Five on Friday

Once more I am linking up to Amy at Love made my Home for Five on Friday!



Miss G enjoyed yet another sleepover this weekend. I don’t mind and she really misses her big sister so I would rather she had the company. She sent this picture to her Dad so she obviously appreciates it. All of her friends are really good girls so we hardly know they are here. It just makes me think though that we never had sleepovers as children, when did it start? They were definitely in full swing by the time our eldest was in school.




All week I had been craving scones after seeing Katy from What Katy Said, have a cream tea with her mum the week before. I finally made them on Saturday and they were well worth the wait. Apologies in advance if I have offended anybody by putting the jam on first!




I am so easily influenced it is untrue, this week I have joined Instagram because I wanted to join in with English Mum on her #foodphotooftheday. I have to confess I have become slightly addicted. This is quite a turnaround because I have spent so long fearing social media, I am amazed at how much I now use it and, love it. Feel free to follow if you are on Instagram too and let me know who you are so I can follow back! It’s another community of lovely people.



I am on week 3 of this app! I am not going to lie, I am struggling! It isn’t getting any easier and I am patiently waiting to become addicted. If anyone has any tips, I would love to hear from you.



Finally, the daffodils have poked through the ground in The Glade and have started to open up this week. It is fantastic to open the bedroom curtains in the lighter mornings and look over at the daffodils blowing about. Spring is on its way!


That is my five for this week!

Have a lovely day X

23 thoughts on “Five on Friday

  1. You have had a beautiful and interesting week! And your scones look really delicious. 🙂
    It’s lovely to see daffodils, ours are still many, many weeks away.
    Have a nice weekend!


  2. Yay, great things!!! Especially the scone and the daffodils!! I tend to do my scones one jam first and one cream first, that way I hedge my bets! I am not on instagram – don’t have the right sort of phone! – but I hope that you enjoy it, but don’t leave your blog! I have only just found you here! Thank you so much for joining in. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx


    1. Hi Amy, what a great idea I wish I had thought about that with the scones! I have the wrong phone for Instagram too so have to use my iPad, but I won’t leave my blog now that I have finally got going. Have a lovely lovely weekend X


  3. Oh I love the look of those scones. And of course the jam must go on first, anything else is madness. If you find the secret of getting addicted to running do please let me know. CJ xx


    1. Haha!! Hi CJ, If I ever discover the secret of getting addicted to running, I promise I will shout it from the rooftops! But people do say that don’t they? ‘Oh I couldn’t live without it’, well I can ha! Sort if agree about the scones but didn’t want to offend anyone. Have a lovely weekend X


  4. I always put jam on first if I have a cream scone – not sure if that is the Devonshire way or the Cornish way. It is lovely to see the daffodils coming up at last:)


    1. No I am not sure which way around it is either, I just know that people are very passionate about it in that part of the world. It’s pouring with rain here at the moment but the daffodils are standing their ground, they make all the difference don’t they? Have a lovely weekend X


    1. Thank you! I had no idea how addictive social media was, I have a quick look and a couple of hours just slip by! But Instagram is just so pretty! Have a lovely weekend X


  5. Sounds like a good week, I’m loving seeing all the Spring flowers too. I’m trying to resist the lure of instagram but I’m sure I’ll fail. x


    1. I should have really resisted the lure,but it was a snap decision. People do put some stunning pictures on there. The flowers are just beautiful aren’t they? They make it almost worth having the rain. Have a lovely weekend X


  6. I always had sleepovers when I was growing up … of course, we called them slumber parties. 🙂 You will love Instagram. So much inspiration and so easy to post. Have a great weekend. Tammy


    1. Ah yes of course Slumber Parties, we didn’t have them but I always wished we did after watching Grease! Yes Instagram is very inspirational and so very pretty! Have a lovely weekend X


  7. Your daffs look lovely 🙂 ive done a bit of running in the past – race for life 5k’s – running and walking (cant run at the mo cos ive got a bad back) good luck with it. Is there a parkrun near you – thats a good way of getting going/lovely supportive environment & lovely to be outdoors. Do yiu run outside or in the gym


    1. Hi Bec, I run outside although I have tried in the gym before but I prefer outside. Yes I never even thought of that, I bet there is a Park Run around here, I need to find out. Yes because running with others does definitely help me. Thank you as always for the advice. Have a lovely weekend X


      1. I prefer outside too 🙂 Ive only run on treadmill couple time when buying shoes – nearly fell off. Im lucky parkrun v near me. Sweatshop running shops also do beginners running but nearest prob Liverpool for you. Theres another running 5k thing called great something or other. .. ill look it up. Good luck with it 🙂


  8. I always put the jam on first- I dont know how you would put the jam on second- or do some crazy folks do half and half??
    Oh dear, not good that you are struggling at week 3- I am at week 1 and need to know it gets easier!! haha!!! Just pretend ok? ha!
    Love the first meme- I used to have sleepovers but I would say it started when I was about 13 ish xx


    1. Thanks Katie! As soon as it does get easier I will let you know but I thought I was going to have a heart attack yesterday ha! I believe some people do put the jam on second but I think it would fall off- too wasteful! X


  9. Jam on first is the Cornish way therefore I’m not allowed to eat it in any other way 😉 To be honest it is the sensible way with warm scones, as otherwise the cream starts to melt and everything gets runny! As for sleepovers they haven’t very occasionally when I was younger, but my children are constantly being invited to them!
    We won’t be having any here for a while though after the lack of sleep at their last one, and the fact they only have ridiculously noisy friends, and there’s only so much we can take!!

    Stevie x


    1. Ah I wondered if it was the Cornish way or not. We do love Cornwall in this house! It is sensible but I do know how passionate people can be about their way being best. Ah well, I regulate sleepovers to one child at a time now unless it is a special occasion, for just that reason X


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