This week I have Loved……. oh I have a list!

I know everyone is saying it,  but I can not believe that it is the end of August already!

The summer has flown, the leaves are already falling from the trees in The Glade.

We have a lovely long bank holiday weekend stretching ahead of us before the mayhem of the school routine begins again.

I have a list of things that I have loved this week, so I will just get on with it.

This Week I have loved and my Favorite Five –




We have been enjoying many picnics lately.

It is so much easier when we have Jack, our black Labrador with us.

It isn’t always easy to find somewhere that let dogs in.

However, when we have a picnic, he just sits at the end of table hoping that something falls into his path.




This beautiful Orchid has taken up residence on our landing window sill.

I bought it this week to brighten up that window and every time I walk past it, it makes me smile.

I am having a bit of a love affair with Orchids at the moment and was delighted to find one on my desk at work last week.

However, as much I love them, they don’t love me, I would be grateful for any tips that anyone has about how to keep them alive.




Not really coffee in general, but Costa Coffee for making at home in a cafetiere.

Bizarrely, I love coffee but since I was pregnant with my second daughter, I have not been able to drink it very strong.

Therefore, this arrangement is ideal because I get to put a smaller measure in but still have the delicious Costa taste.



The Beach

I love the beach at anytime of year.

On Saturday evening we took Jack for a walk in New Brighton.

We were rewarded with a glorious sunset, followed by a dramatic thunder storm.

Thankfully, we were in the car by the time the rain hit.



Our Garden

Now I know the weather has been awful and we all feel cheated out of a summer.

However, the flip side is that our garden is still looking lovely and colorful, there are still buds on The Passion Flower and, the Hydrangea still isn’t in full flower.

It is the little things!!


Thank you Ali and Steph for hosting x


Thank you Maria for hosting x


Than k you Aby and Hannah for hosting x

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend!






18 thoughts on “This week I have Loved……. oh I have a list!

    1. It’s even sadder because we have not really had a summer this year. I hope yours is better and at least we can look on enviously through your blog ha! Coffee, yes one of life’s necessities in my book ha! Thank you for popping by xx


  1. I love orchids. I think they thrive best on neglect, with the occasional watering (I put mine in the shower, fill the pots with water and let them soak for a while, then drain the water). They keep coming back again and again. Have a good weekend. x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh lisa, what a fab list. I too love the beach in any weather and dot laugh at me, but I have an orchid in my kitchen and it’s still alive. I’m not very green fingered and my plants never last long, but this purple orchid is doing great.I love picnics too, hard to say whether i prefer a picnic or a BBQ… I might have decided next week, so I’ll let you know! Thanks so much for linking up with #thisweekiveloved

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love your orchid, it’s beautiful. I have no pearls of wisdom about keeping it alive I’m afraid, I am hopeless with plants. Hopefully someone else will! Is’t it funny how your tastes change during/after pregnancy? I used to hate mushrooms but now I really like them, and that only happened after I had my eldest child. Enjoy your coffee and garden, they both look lovely. Becky x#OurFaveFive

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    1. I am beginning to think it’s the Orchids not us ha! I think they are quite temperamental and if they like the spot they will thrive, if they don’t, they won’t ha! Oh yes you can’t beat a picnic. Thank you for popping by x


  4. Ha ha love the fact you have a list of ‘This Week I’ve Loved’ – good work my lovely Lisa. Love love love picnics too and I’m never any good with orchids – they’re a nightmare to try and keep alive so good going hun. Goes without saying I’m with you on the beach walks with the pooch – love it!
    Linking up with #ThisWeekIveLoved
    Sammy xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love this list Lisa. We have also taken advantage of picnics (weather permitting) and I also love orchids but like you can never keep them alive for very long! I’ve been told that you have to cut them back at a certain time of year so that they flower again? It’s never worked for me though.

    Very jealous of your garden too. I am not greenfingered at all and our garden is so overgrown and full of weeds!

    Thanks so much for linking up to #OurFaveFive hope you’ll join in again next month? x

    Liked by 1 person

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