My Monday Quote!


I like this quote a lot and believe it to be true.

When better than at Christmastime to perform a random act of kindness.

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone performed one random act a day between now and Christmas Day?

What a difference it would make!

It doesn’t have to be some huge, expensive gesture, maybe just let someone into a queue of traffic, or give a compliment or, smile at a shop assistance and wish her Merry Christmas.

I am sure we all try to do these thing anyway, but what about a little something extra?

Just a small something that can and, probably will make a difference to someone’s day.

I’m going to do it, anyone else fancy it?



Have a lovely day!


22 thoughts on “My Monday Quote!

  1. I love this! it is so true and especially so in the blogging world too – that’s how I try to live my life by volunteering and helping others – sometimes we love sight of this so thank you for sharing #mg

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful and a timely reminder for all of us as we get bogged down in the Christmas hustle, just to look up from time to time and see who we could reach out to in a little way. I’m particularly bad for going around in a distracted little bubble, so I’m going to try and keep this in mind – at home and out and about! #mg

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  3. Yes, I’m up for it! I love the idea of everyone doing a random act of kindness. It would make a huge difference! Love the quote hun, it’s perfect for this time of year x

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  4. Great quote! I am definitely up for this. Even the smallest thing can make a difference. Over the last few months I have started to carry a few extra lunch items with me to work, and passing these on to anyone in need that I come across. I can’t do it all the time, but if I am able make a difference every now and again – it feels good. #CandidCuddles

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