Elche – A 1950’s Diner!

Some days it was so hot in Spain, that we simply had to seek refuge and find somewhere that we hoped had air conditioning!

On one such day we headed to a shopping centre in nearby Elche.

We ran into the L’Alijub centre and breathed  sigh of relief.

However, being used to air conditioning Floridian style, the strength found in Spain was disappointing.

Nevertheless, when I drew breathe, I realises that the youngest was quite nattily dressed for the occasion.

Mad men eat your heart out – you get the picture!


Given her choice of attire, when we spotted an American Diner that served veggie burgers, we were in there like a shot.

Tommy & Mel’s was such a quirky little place,the food was lovely and great quality.


Although the menus were all in English, apparently the staff did not speak any at all, and himself’s request for vinegar resulted in a bottle of larger*.

The littlest fitted in anyway!


Have a lovely day!

*We do have a go at the lingo when on holiday, we used google translate a lot, I think his issue is his accent ha!

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